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We are continuing where we are, but making sure that we work in concert together and encourage people to get tested, get tested often get the vaccination. I need to say that, because we do not have enough information. And we just received word of another suspected traveler case here in the city that was identified - in the city in one of the five boroughs. And another case is from Brooklyn, unknown vaccination status. No other further personal details, but the vaccination status is unknown, Queens based. The vaccination status is unknown to know whether or not this person have been vaccinated or not. And it was a 67-year-old female who had symptoms, mild symptoms of a headache and a cough. “There are five cases identified today in the State of New York. Kathy Hochul of New York addressed the several cases of the Omicron variant that have been reported in the United States, including five people in New York City and on Long Island. Transcript First Cases of Omicron Coronavirus Variant Detected in New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov.

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